Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fast Forward

A little worried that I am finding it hard to update our blog regularly now and the baby isn't even born yet!  Maybe this will be one of my escapes once she's here...a rare moment of mommy alone time that I think I have heard of!

To catch up, we are now in our 30th week!  While the first two trimesters were amazingly easy and fun, several weeks into the third trimester I am definitely feeling uncomfortable and imagine it is only going to progress until sweet baby Leighton arrives.  I now have a very hard to miss pregnant belly and recently have had to deal with everyone noticing it.  I don't mind the "wow you've sure popped" statements so much, but the "hey why don't you lay off the snacks" comments are starting to strike a nerve.  While I know my now round belly is all baby...well and maybe a few bean burritos here and there, it's still just not cool to call someone fat regardless of their situation!  I have a feeling the next two months I will hear plenty more and I just have to tough it out, but commenters be warned, you may just make a pregnant lady very angry...and you won't like me when I'm angry!  Mommy Hulk smash!!

Leighton's movement has increased in recent weeks! So far it is the most amazing feeling and I am not experiencing any painful jabs to the ribs just yet.  Shaun gets to feel her occasionally, but I think she just likes to share her time with me right now!  I believe she has taken residence on her side and has started putting pressure on my belly which I would say is the most uncomfortable position.  Yesterday she favored my right side which was a pretty neat thing to see a weird lopsided belly! Sleeping has become a chore, but not because of her doing per say, just the fact that my hips feel enflamed to lay on and my pelvis screams every time I try to shift my weight to roll over.  She seems to sleep through the night in the womb, so perhaps she will be a good sleeper upon arrival too!  Hey we can dream!

The past 6 weeks since my last update have been full of some great times.  Week 25 included a vacation to see my parents, brother and his girlfriend in Northern California at my parent's new place.  We walked what felt like the entire city of San Francisco with my cousin, went wine tasting (I watched), and I even got to spend 5 hours in the emergency room with what seems to have been kidney stones!  Week 26 my Grandma threw me my first baby shower in Tucson with an adorable stork theme and we received some wonderful gifts.  That same day I attended my friend Alicia's bachelorette party in Tucscon as well, part of it at least, and I discovered how awkward it is to be in a bar being 6 months pregnant!  Week 29 I attended Alicia's Alice in Wonderland bridal shower which was a blast.  I am very excited for her and her husband to be and cannot wait for their wedding!

25 Weeks, Sawyer Vineyards.  The one week I forgot to take a picture at home!

26 weeks, growing bump!

27 weeks, looking oddly surprised at my growing belly!

28 weeks, holy smokes I'm definitely pregnant!

29 weeks, hello fall, hellooooo baby belly!

Nursery pictures to be posted soon.  Shaun did an amazing job painting lines in her room.  I cried when it was finished.  Crib will likely go up this weekend and I will probably cry again!  We get very emotional picturing having our baby in our lives for real!  2nd shower will be October 28th and our moms will be in attendance.  So very excited.  Halloween is a little over two weeks away and for the first year in as long as I can remember, I have no idea what to be. Kinda stressing me out a little!  After that, my annual apple pie party, Alicia's wedding, Thanksgiving, then whoa Nelly, it'll be bout time to have a baby, just in time for Christmas.

Long post, but a lot to update! Life is good :)

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