Monday, September 3, 2012

The 24th Week

Our 24th week was a great week!  On August 28th we had a follow up ultrasound to our 20 week one for the sonographer to confirm that all four heart chambers had formed and were functioning right.  At the last scan, the baby was laying in such a position that they couldn't see all four valves.  Thankfully everything looked as it should and we are told our little girl is doing great!  They estimate that she is about 1 and a half pounds.  Her head measured about a week a head of the rest of her body so hopefully her body catches up otherwise she will definitely have her father's head!  We were pleasantly surprised that part of our ultrasound included some 4d pictures.  We originally had decided we weren't going to pay for a scan like that but were told it was just what they did there and we were amazed to see the face of our beautiful baby Leighton!  In case I haven't mentioned it to date, Leighton is the name we have chosen for our little one!  No middle name just yet but were are tossing around some ideas!  Check out how amazing technology is below!
Maybe sucking her thumb...

Thumbs up!
I think she looks like Shaun in this one!
Leighton's movement is still very inconsistent but feeling her move is the highlight of my day.  I like to set the tv remote on my belly and show Shaun when she kicks it since he sometimes can't see what I feel.  Our midwife said that within the next few weeks or so I should be able to notice that she kicks during certain times of day!
My belly is definitely growing to accommodate our growing baby:
This weekend we spent two nights up at my Aunt Laurie's place in Munds Park, AZ with our friends Alicia and Mike.  They were engaged the week after Shaun and I were and will wed in about 2 months!  We are looking forward to their big day!  We love hanging out with them and spend a lot of time playing board games.  This time we tried out two new games we got from our wedding registry; Buzzword and Logos.  Both were extremely fun and we had a hard time getting through them at a few points because we were laughing so hard!  The weekend was capped off by Boss finding a mouse in the house!  Shaun and I spent over 30 minutes trying to coax it to run out the open door but were not successful!  The little guy gets to live another day of freedom in my aunt's place.  Next up on our fun schedule is a trip to Danville, CA on Thursday to see my parents and my brother and his girlfriend!  Can't wait!

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