Sunday, August 5, 2012

Halfway There!

We hit the halfway mark on Wednesday!! The big news of the week was our anatomy ultrasound on Monday.  The scan revealed a healthy baby growing as expected and on track for a December 19th due date.  At each of our ultrasounds the measurements appear to be a bit ahead of my estimated due date but they will not change the date since its not more than two weeks ahead.  The best part of our ultrasound was when the sonographer revealed the sex of our little baby!  It's a girl!  Both Shaun and I got emotional seeing this!  This was our third scan but this one definitely made it more real.  We've got a little princess growing and we can't wait to meet her in December!  She will be the best Christmas present ever!
 8 Weeks

12 Weeks

19 Weeks 5 day!

20 Weeks and 4 days today. Pretty sure I'm feeling movement!!  Excited to feel her kicks get stronger!

Also this weekend, Big Brother Boss had minor surgery on his eyelid to remove a cyst.  He's been adjusting to wearing "the cone of shame"!  It's been sad but rather amusing watching him try not to run into things!  He's got about 8 more days until he can get his stitches out, but he's getting back to his normal hyper self.  We are definitely interested in seeing how he will handle the arrival of his baby sister!!

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