Sunday, August 26, 2012

23 Weeks

As I updated earlier in the week, confirmation of life in my belly was felt last Sunday afternoon!  Throughout the week I really didn't feel anything consistent like I had that day, just the normal flutters.  Starting Friday our sweet baby finally began making her presence known continuously.  If I lay still she tends to moves a ton and every so often you can actually see my belly move a little.  Shaun hasn't really been able to feel her much but he will definitly get his chance as time progresses!

We have made progress on her room and now have one full coat of primer on the walls!  One would think a 10x10 room with a window and a closet wouldn't take long but it definitely is a bit time consuming.  Our goal this week is to prime one wall a day so that by the time we get back from vacations over the next two weekends, we can actually start painting the colors.  I'm more of a supervisor when it comes to the paintings but I did line the baseboards with painter's tape and got a few rolls in! 

Our bedding arrived the other day and we totally love it!  It's sweet, simple and will be perfect!


In other big news we received the crib we registered for from Shaun's Dad and Stepmom Cindy on Saturday!  Unfortunately we will have to wait for the room to be done to be set up but we are looking forward to everything coming together.  It's somewhat funny to me to have a nursery set up for the baby even though she won't sleep in it for several months after she is born but I definitely don't think things would feel complete if it wasn't ready and waiting for her!
Happy to report I am still loving my growing belly!  I find pregnant tummies adorable and am so happy to finally have one!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Moving Right Along

Over the last few weeks I have anxiously been awaiting that first real movement. That special moment that is entirely distinguishable from gas! Flutters have been felt often throughout the day but nothing I can feel from the outside. This past Sunday I was relaxing in bed with my hand on my stomach. I suddenly felt the alien movement I had longed for! Confirmation there was real life in my belly! I quickly told Shaun to put his hand where mine just was and after 2 or 3 bumps I was feeling he was able to feel our baby girl! It was emotional but most things are these days!

Upon my begging, we finally are starting the nursery!  We picked our bedding and she will slumber upon pink and green ladybugs courtesy of my mom!  We also picked paint samples and will be doing green and white stripes!  Definitely learning the space is limited in her room but we will make it work! She also has a bunch of clothes in her closet already!

I'll be 23 week starting tomorrow! One week closer to meeting our little ladybug!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Halfway There!

We hit the halfway mark on Wednesday!! The big news of the week was our anatomy ultrasound on Monday.  The scan revealed a healthy baby growing as expected and on track for a December 19th due date.  At each of our ultrasounds the measurements appear to be a bit ahead of my estimated due date but they will not change the date since its not more than two weeks ahead.  The best part of our ultrasound was when the sonographer revealed the sex of our little baby!  It's a girl!  Both Shaun and I got emotional seeing this!  This was our third scan but this one definitely made it more real.  We've got a little princess growing and we can't wait to meet her in December!  She will be the best Christmas present ever!
 8 Weeks

12 Weeks

19 Weeks 5 day!

20 Weeks and 4 days today. Pretty sure I'm feeling movement!!  Excited to feel her kicks get stronger!

Also this weekend, Big Brother Boss had minor surgery on his eyelid to remove a cyst.  He's been adjusting to wearing "the cone of shame"!  It's been sad but rather amusing watching him try not to run into things!  He's got about 8 more days until he can get his stitches out, but he's getting back to his normal hyper self.  We are definitely interested in seeing how he will handle the arrival of his baby sister!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Pregnancy Progression

So we probably should have been posting this whole time, but work and life obviously get in the way.  I'll sum up the first 20 weeks briefly!  The first weeks were incredibly exciting.  Hoping for two pink lines on a pregnancy test and getting them was very emotional for both of us.  We couldn't wait to tell our parents but decided to wait until our 12 week ultrasound to share the news with the rest of the friends we were able to keep the secret from until then!  Everyone is overjoyed for a new little baby in the family. 

As far as morning sickness goes, I was very surprised at the symptoms I experienced.  I had guaranteed myself I was going to be one of those women who was sicker than a dog every single day at every waking moment.  To my surprise, I really was only sick first thing in the morning when I woke up or if I let myself get too hungry at any point in the day.  At this point I am feeling great, though if I let myself get too hungry still, the nausea kicks in sometimes!

Here are some photos of my progression from 4 weeks when we found out we were pregnant to now: