Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Final Countdown!

If I can't even update our blog before baby I am a tad worried about how it'll be once she gets here!  We are now down to 2 more weeks until her estimated due date.  I've been told that first time moms can expect babies to arrive within two weeks of their due date, either 2 before or 2 after.  While I am not getting my hopes too high that she will come early, I'm really hoping she is not two weeks late! 

Things are going great.  Everything, as far as I can tell having no idea really what to expect or what I am doing in preparation, is good to go.  Carseat has been in the car a few weeks now, everything has a place in the nursery, clothes are washed, bags are packed, etc.  My nerves are ever increasing while Shaun is still just excited.  Every time I flinch for any reason, whether it be a kick, or something non-pregnancy related he gets all excited like it's go time.  Today he told me he will be able to take at least a week after her arrival which is great as we weren't expecting much time off since he hasn't worked at Chase the whole 12 months to qualify for the leave.  Guess they just like him!

My comfort level is definitely decreasing!  Sleeping has become a chore.  Rolling over from side to side is a feat that includes at least a 3 point turn to accomplish it!  Finding a comfortable position even on the couch is getting old as well.  I know I can obviously anticipate the lack of sleep that comes along with a newborn, but I am really looking forward to being comfortable in my own body and then being tired! 

I've definitely become more emotional these last few weeks as well, if that was even possible.  Every time I think about holding little Leighton I cry happy tears in anticipation of how wonderful it is going to be.  I spend a lot of time with my cousins and their son as well as other family members and friends with babies and I cannot wait to experience the love that I see with them and their children towards my own. 

Shaun and I met with a pediatrician last week.  She came highly recommended and we really liked her but her office was just too far out of the way for us.  We have another meet and greet on Saturday morning at an office very close to us and we are hoping the doctor will be a good fit for us!  I've been asking around for recommendations so I defintely trust those we will meet with but it'll all depend on how we feel about the doctor I guess!

Belly has definitely grown to become quite large!  I guess being tall it looks a lot smaller to other people and a lot don't believe I am as far along as I am, but I feel big for sure!  I feel like some days I look smaller but I guess it's probably just her positioning! Check out the progression below:

 33 Weeks.  Guess I forgot to take my weekly photo that week!