Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Catching Up in 2012

Where to even begin on our first blog entry! The beginning of the year was full of finalizing wedding plans, bridal shower, bachelor and bachelorette parties and impending nerves for the big day! March 17th came and went full of joy and a lot of fun as we celebrated our marriage with our wonderful family and friends! Our honeymoon to Catalina and Disneyland was so relaxing and fun! Nothing like a week away from it all to make you never want to go back! 

So while most newly married couples are enjoying their honeymoon phase as newlyweds...we are expecting our first child in December!! Yes, if you do the math it equates to a honeymoon baby give or take a few days but that is just how we planned it! We are over the moon excited to become parents and are thoroughly enjoying pregnancy and learning about our how our little one is developing! Within the next two weeks we hope to find out what the sex of the baby is so stay tuned!